As I ran the other day, I was being mindful to lift my feet to clear the rocks and roots that tripped me last fall. I wrote, “Even if I can’t see them, I do not need to trip over what I know is there.” I’ve been pondering that sentence ever since.
There’s a Bible verse I grew up with, “Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.” Matthew 10:16
Years ago, Jim Gilmore ran for governor, promising to eliminate the Virginia car tax. He had no plans to reduce the budget, nor sources of income to replace the tax. I knew he couldn’t eliminate the tax. Simple math provided this wisdom. Those that elected him were miffed when total elimination of the car tax after he got in office was impossible.
If the car tax was the only reason you voted for Gilmore, your vote was not dictated by wisdom. You tripped over rocks and roots you knew were there.
Wisdom is described as “the ability to contemplate and act productively using knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and insight.” Most of the words that we hear from politicians, cable news pundits, and social media memes obscure truth and true motives. When we are wise, when we apply our knowledge, experience, understanding, common sense, and intuitive insight to what we are listening to, we discern the rocks and roots that we need to be mindful of.
PT might get angry at me for forcing him to make a dermatology appointment, but because he knows I have his best interests at heart, he trusts me. Politicians and pundits have proven they do not have our best interests at heart. They have their best interests at heart. We are wise when we remember this.
Wisdom is not fear. Fear blackmails us and makes us do and say things that normally we wouldn’t. As we allow wisdom, rather than fear, to guide us, our words, actions, and choices align with our morals and ethics; we are wise to immoral, unethical, fearful, and hateful motives; most importantly, we are harmless as doves, ensuring that all mankind is protected and uplifted. There are no victims in wisdom and Love.
#SUPrunWrite #wanderingpondering